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Important notice to all

Translators and Interpreters holding a NAATI permanent Accreditation credential 

Permanent Pre-2007 NAATI Accredited Practitioners *)

The individuals who belong to this practitioner cohort are valid translating and interpreting professionals that can work within Western Australia. To be added to this website, you need to hold a Permanent Pre-2007 NAATI Accreditation and still be working in Western Australia. Please keep in mind that if you are currently on the NAATI online directory and hold their current certification, you will not be listed on this website. Otherwise, if you belong to the above mentioned cohort and reside in WA, please email and request to be added to this list. In order to do so, you need to send your Pre-2007 NAATI Accreditation practitioner number, and the information required for the table below. If relevant, a PDF copy of your VET/tertiary qualification is also required.

Language(s) Practitioner Name and Contact details Accreditation(s) Held NAATI Number and Year Accreditation Gained
NAATI number is required for verification with NAATI
VET/University Qualification in T&I
Please send a pdf copy of your certificates

*) Source:

Date: 04 Dec 2021

If you belong to this group of practitioners, please contact OMI – For OMI to consider your eligibility, you must follow the above instructions.